Our solutions include personalized geospatial consulting services. We work with public and private organizations, both large and small, to optimize the use of GIS.
Town of Carbondale, Colorado
- Planning Department: Create new Town Zoning map, webmap and database along with updating and maintaining the database as zoning designation change. Mapping support Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Future Land Use Planning projects.
- Utilities Department: Update and capture Town infrastructure; including sewer, irrigation ditches, water, and storm water while maintaining webmapping application used by field staff.
- Recreation Department: Capture Parks and Bicycle/Pedestrian routes for planning and recreation purposes
- Public Works Department: Road construction and maintenance scheduling and history, snowplow routes, and general road and route maps
- Story Map Web Applications: Art Around Town and Carbondale Park

Lario Oil & Gas
- Develop Parcel Lease database for the Town of Stanton, TX, by identifying lease per legal description, metes and bounds, working directly with land department. The database is utilized by land department staff via webmap using a tract status to assist in leasing open lands.
- Develop methodology to group wells by spatial location and calculate the percentile of each well within the group along with spatial statistics for each polygon’s group area. The resulting percentile analysis used to select wells for cross-plotting in SpotFire to compare production to geologic parameters.
- Create model to automate process of creating lease line buffers for development areas.
- Automate buffer distances as a line feature from east-west and north-south boundaries of development areas independently, where the distance value differs from east-west and north-south.
- Create model to identify offset vertical wells within a given distance of development horizontal wells and return the offset and horizontal well names, distances, ranking, and measure depth.
Entrada Consulting Group
- Providing GIS and mapping support for Environmental Consulting Services including Soil and Groundwater Assessment and Remediation, Permitting, Waste Management, Design, Safety/Industrial Hygiene, and various additional field services as it pertains to Oil and Gas, Renewable Energy, as well as Industrial, Commercial and Residential Real Estate Projects.
- GIS services include webmapping applications for field data collection providing seamless data sharing to GIS desktop applications, map figures for state reports including; topographic maps, location and route maps to site locations, site maps including potentiometric surface, sampling maps, and incident response maps.
- For environmental services contact Entrada Consulting

Ranching and Private Investment
- Mapping mineral interest, infrastructure, and presenting industrial information to stake holders
- Provide flood plain mapping, surface analysis, and development agreement map for ranch acquisition
- Analyze the burn severity and flash flood potential for property assessment
- Create database of ranch infrastructure and generate map products for stakeholders
- Provide analysis and mapping to create a land partition for legal documentation
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